Why Do We Need Strength from God? – Unlocking the Incredible Power of Divine Fortitude

Why do we need strength from God? As you navigate the complexities of life, this question might have crossed your mind more than once. Whether it’s the struggle to meet daily demands, facing life’s trials, or searching for a deeper purpose, you might have felt a yearning for strength greater than what you possess.

Why do we need strength from God?

We need strength from God because our human capabilities can only go so far. Drawing strength from God allows us to transcend our limitations, enabling us to face challenges with courage, live with hope, love profoundly, and make a meaningful difference in the world.

One of the many reasons I needed strength from God was to help me deal with anxiety. After my husband’s Stroke in 2012, I developed anxiety and it used to kick my butt. It felt like I was living in a different realm.

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I constantly had bad thoughts. Once I went the medical route of being prescribed pills, which helped a little, I knew I had to return to my Peneacostle roots and start seeking the Lord.

When I would drop my daughter off at school and visit with my husband at TIRR in downtown Houston, I would come home in a complete crying mess. So, I knew I needed to start fasting, praying, and seeking the Lord, which I did constantly. The Bible became my lifeline.

And let me tell you, I finally feel like myself again. I give glory to the Lord because he spared my husband’s life and gave me peace, hope, and strength, and the feeling of loneliness, doom, and gloom vanished. If he helps me, he can help you too.

Psalm 28:7 states, "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him"

This article explores how God provides strength through faith, hope, love, prayer, community, and trials, sharing practical tips to harness this power. But before we delve into why do we need strength from God, let us uncover the essence of humans and God’s strength.

why do we need strength from God

This blog post is all about why we need strength from God.

What is strength from God?

Strength from God signifies the divine power and resilience that is derived from our relationship with the Lord. This is not akin to the typical human strength we perceive that encompasses physical, emotional, or mental capacities.

Instead, it’s spiritual and can be tapped into through faith, hope, love, prayer, and community pathways. Furthermore, it is uniquely present during our trials and tribulations, serving as a beacon of hope.

This divine strength becomes our shield, enabling us to confront evil and overcome life’s hurdles. It offers unwavering fortitude in times of weakness and provides clear direction when surrounded by chaos.

Whether it’s showcasing resilience during hardship, exhibiting patience amidst adversity, finding courage in the face of fear, seeking wisdom in decision-making, or extending love in response to hatred – all bear testament to God’s strength.

As we lean into His promises and surrender our weaknesses, we begin to experience a form of strength that far surpasses human comprehension, making the seemingly impossible possible.

Here are some key aspects of why do we need strength from God:

  1. Source of strength: God is the ultimate source of strength for believers, providing them with the courage and fortitude they need to face challenges and difficulties in life.
  2. Infinite and unfaltering: Unlike human strength, which is finite and subject to various factors, God’s strength is infinite, unwavering, and not limited by physical boundaries.
  3. Divine nature: God’s strength manifests His divine nature, which is steadfast, unchanging, and eternally reliable.
  4. Accessible through faith: Believers can access God’s strength by trusting in Him, relying on His will, and having faith in His love for them.
  5. Strength in various aspects of life: God’s strength can be applied to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs, providing support and resilience in all areas of life.

Some Bible verses that highlight strength from God include:

Psalm 46:1: "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."
Isaiah 40:29: "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."
Ephesians 6:10: "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."

The Nature and Importance of Strength

Strength is a multi-dimensional construct that manifests physically, mentally, and emotionally. The driving force propels us forward, empowers us to confront hurdles, and helps us attain our goals.

Nonetheless, the essence of strength isn’t confined to the ability to surmount worldly trials alone.

Instead, it also encapsulates the capacity to exhibit qualities such as compassion, forgiveness, and understanding—virtues that were epitomized by Christ Jesus.

This nuanced perspective of strength underscores its role beyond mere resilience and endurance; it frames strength as a conduit for expressing empathetic, forgiving, and understanding behaviors that align with the teachings of Jesus.

Consequently, strength, in its multifaceted forms, not only facilitates our physical, mental, and emotional navigation of life’s challenges but also guides our spiritual journey, leading us closer to the values embodied by Christ.

Key points about the nature and importance of strength:

Type of StrengthDescriptionHow to Cultivate
Physical StrengthPhysical strength is crucial for maintaining overall health, performing daily tasks, and participating in activities that require physical effort.It can be developed through regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest.
Emotional StrengthEmotional strength enables individuals to cope with stress, manage emotions, and maintain resilience in the face of adversity.It can be cultivated through self-awareness, emotional regulation, and support from loved ones.
Mental StrengthMental strength is the ability to maintain focus, make sound decisions, and persevere through challenges.It can be developed through mindfulness, problem-solving, and cognitive training.
Spiritual StrengthSpiritual strength is the inner fortitude that comes from faith, trust, and reliance on a higher power, such as God.It provides comfort, guidance, and resilience during difficult times and can be nurtured through prayer, meditation, and studying sacred texts.
Importance of StrengthStrength is essential for personal growth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving success in various aspects of life.It enables individuals to face challenges with courage, maintain resilience during hardships, and develop a strong sense of self-worth.
Strength from GodFor believers, strength from God is an infinite and unfaltering source of power that can be accessed through faith and trust in Him.This divine strength provides support, resilience, and guidance in all areas of life, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs.

What are the benefits of strength from God?

The benefits of strength from God are invaluable in helping believers navigate life’s challenges and grow in their faith. Drawing on God’s infinite and unwavering strength provides numerous advantages, such as:

strength from God

Renewed strength:

God offers fresh energy to overcome challenges and hardships.

Protection from anxiety:

Trusting in God’s strength shields us from feelings of anxiety and provides comfort.

Guidance and help:

Relying on God’s strength ensures His guidance and assistance during difficult times.

Joy and praise:

Experiencing God’s strength fills our hearts with joy and inspires us to praise and worship Him.

Overcoming obstacles:

With God’s strength, we can conquer seemingly insurmountable challenges in our lives.

Increased resilience:

Accessing God’s strength helps us develop greater resilience in the face of adversity.

Spiritual growth:

Relying on God’s strength fosters spiritual growth and deepens our faith and trust in Him.

Strength from God offers numerous benefits that help believers overcome challenges, find comfort, and grow in their faith. By relying on God’s strength, we can face life’s difficulties confidently and experience a deeper connection with our faith.

Human Strength vs God’s Strength?

Although powerful and valuable, human strength is inherently limited and heavily influenced by various factors, including health status, surrounding environment, and overall attitude.

This strength may deplete during strenuous trials and periods of immense hardship, leaving individuals feeling emotionally spent, mentally exhausted, or physically weak.

When the concept of God’s strength comes into the equation. Unlike our human strength, which is finite and subject to the laws of our physical world, God’s strength offers an unending source of power to draw upon, one that is unaffected by worldly constraints or limitations.

why do we need God strength

God’s strength, unlike our own, is a divine attribute that is infinite, constant, and resilient, unaffected by life’s transient wear and tear.

It is a reflection of His divine nature, exhibiting qualities of unwavering steadfastness, unchanging consistency, and eternal reliability.

When we fully grasp this concept and place our trust in God’s strength instead of relying solely on our own, we tap into an infinite well of strength.

It serves as a potent reminder that we, as God’s creations, are never isolated in our trials. Rather, we are graced with a divine strength that far surpasses our human capacity, providing us with the fortitude to persist even in our darkest hours.

Human Strength:

  1. Limited by factors such as health, environment, and attitude.
  2. It can become depleted during times of immense hardship, leaving individuals feeling emotionally spent, mentally exhausted, or physically weak.
  3. Human strength is finite and subject to the laws of the physical world.
  4. Focused on being more effective in daily tasks and activities.

God’s Strength:

  1. Infinite, constant, and resilient, unaffected by worldly constraints or limitations.
  2. A reflection of God’s divine nature, exhibiting qualities of unwavering steadfastness, unchanging consistency, and eternal reliability.
  3. Provides numerous benefits, including renewed strength, protection from anxiety, guidance, joy, overcoming obstacles, increased resilience, and spiritual growth.
  4. Focused on supernatural outcomes and working through individuals of faith.

Why is God’s Strength Significant?

God’s strength doesn’t promise a life without difficulties but equips us to withstand and grow from them. This divine strength enables us to face hardships bravely, much like the Israelite army triumphing over significant trials through God’s might.

He said: 'Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's. Tomorrow march down against them. They will be climbing up by the Pass of Ziz, and you will find them at the end of the gorge in the Desert of Jeruel. You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.'" - 2 Chronicles 20:15-17

This strength from God doesn’t just help us navigate through our struggles; it empowers us to rise above them.

It gives us the courage and resilience to weather life’s storms, transforming our adversities into avenues for growth.

When we’re weak or feel defeated, God’s strength uplifts us, reinforcing the idea that all things are possible with Him.

More than just helping us survive, it allows us to thrive amidst trials, converting challenges into opportunities for transformation. With God’s strength, we’re not merely overcoming life’s hurdles but surpassing them with unwavering faith and indomitable spirit.

  1. Salvation through weakness: God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses, providing us with salvation and support when we are most vulnerable.
  2. Influence and power: When God is our influence, it strengthens us, enabling us to face challenges and overcome obstacles.
  3. Fresh and constant strength: God always provides new, fresh strength to believers, regardless of their age, circumstances, or level of exhaustion.
  4. Safety and defense: God’s strength is a fortified place and defense, providing safety and protection for believers.
  5. Shield from anxiety: God’s strength acts as a shield from feelings of anxiety, offering comfort and support when we fully trust in Him.
  6. Overcoming obstacles: Relying on God’s strength allows us to overcome seemingly insurmountable life challenges and obstacles.
  7. Comprehending God’s greatness: God’s strength helps us comprehend His greatness, power, promises, and love, deepening our understanding of His nature and character.

How can we find strength from God?

Strength from the Lord

Finding strength from God can be achieved through various practices that help deepen our faith and reliance on Him.

Here are some ways to find strength from God:

  • Trust in God: Place your trust in God and not in your own understanding of things. Believe that He is in control and will guide you through difficult situations.
  • Prayer: Communicate with God through prayer, asking for His help, guidance, and strength in times of need.
  • Study the Bible: Read and meditate on Bible verses that emphasize God’s strength and power, such as Psalm 46:1, Isaiah 40:29, and Ephesians 6:10.
  • Memorize promises: Memorize universally applicable promises from the Bible that can serve you in various situations where you need God’s strength.
  • Acknowledge your weaknesses: Admit that you cannot do everything independently and need God’s strength to overcome challenges.
  • Act in faith: Trust in God’s promises and act on them, believing that He is acting in your actions.
  • Seek support from fellow believers: Connect with other Christians who can encourage you, pray for you, and share their experiences of finding strength in God.
  • Praise and worship: Express gratitude and praise to God for His strength and guidance in your life.
  • Be patient: Wait on the Lord and trust in His timing, knowing He will provide the strength you need when needed.
  • Thank God: After experiencing God’s strength, remember to thank Him for His help and support.

By practicing these steps, you can find strength from God and experience a deeper connection with your faith, enabling you to face life’s challenges with confidence and resilience.

Drawing Strength from God through Faith

This table breaks down the intricate dynamics of faith and its pivotal role in helping us tap into the divine strength of God. Each entry in this table emphasizes a unique dimension of faith, illustrating how it empowers us to withstand adversity, transforms our perceived weaknesses into strengths, and, most importantly, strengthens our connection to God’s omnipotence.

Key PointsDetails
Faith as BedrockFaith is crucial for drawing strength from God, providing hope and resilience against adversity. Apostle Paul’s enduring faith allowed him to withstand many hardships.
Faith Connects us to Divine StrengthFaith helps us comprehend and activate God’s omnipotent, unwavering strength. Trust in God’s promises enables His power to manifest in our lives, transforming trials into triumphs.
Not Alone in BattlesFaith reassures us of God’s presence in our struggles, providing necessary strength. Paul’s verse, Philippians 4:13, highlights faith’s role in connecting us to divine power.
Faith Transforms Weakness into PowerFaith in God changes perceived weakness into divine strength, enabling us to confront adversity with hope and courage.

Finding Strength in Hope

Much like faith, hope illuminates our path during the darkest times, serving as an anchor of salvation and connecting us to God’s limitless power. From the historical example of the Israelites to the spiritual assurance given in Romans 15:13, these points illustrate how hope enables us to look beyond present challenges toward a brighter future, instilling us with resilience, courage, and the knowledge of God’s unfailing support.

 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" - Romans 15:13
  • Hope as an Anchor: Hope, as a spiritual force, provides strength to endure life’s challenges, as demonstrated by the Israelites’ crossing of the Red Sea.
  • Hope Connects Us to Divine Strength: Hope guides us towards God’s strength in bleak situations, fostering resilience and determination.
  • Hope Fosters Forward-Looking Perspective: Hope encourages a vision beyond current hardships, bolstering our resilience and access to God’s strength.
  • Hope Enhances Courage and Resilience: Aligning with Romans 15:13, hope imbues us with joy and peace, fortifying our courage, resilience, and assurance of God’s constant love and support.

Gaining Strength through Prayer

Prayer serves as a potent medium for accessing God’s strength. It fosters a sacred dialogue with God, enabling us to voice our fears, hopes, and needs while receiving comfort, wisdom, and strength, as exemplified by Apostle Paul.

This spiritual lifeline reinforces our bond with the divine, channeling God’s strength into our lives.

1 John 5:14-15: "And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him"
Strength for hope

Moreover, prayer offers a platform to acknowledge and surrender our weaknesses to God’s superior strength. This act of humility and trust invites divine intervention, acknowledging our insufficiency and God’s abundant power, as reflected in Psalm 46:1.

Consequently, through prayer, we access and experience God’s limitless strength, empowering us to overcome challenges and thrive.

Finding Strength in Community

The community acts as a significant conduit for manifesting God’s strength. Through shared experiences, mutual support, and fellowship, we experience God’s presence and strength.

A community provides a network of solace, encouragement, and shared prayers, fostering an environment that amplifies God’s strength and supports us in our struggles.

Additionally, serving within a community allows us to experience and extend God’s strength, solidifying our faith and exemplifying God’s love.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 - "And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken"

As Ecclesiastes 4:12 highlights, collective faith, hope, and love within a community amplify God’s strength, empowering us on our spiritual journey.

Join a local group or organizationConnect with like-minded individuals for support, encouragement, and friendship
Attend a local church or religious communityProvides a space for spiritual growth, fellowship, and support
Share your experiencesFosters a sense of solidarity, helps you realize you’re not alone in your journey
Offer support to othersStrengthens relationships, creates unity within the community
Pray for one anotherFosters a sense of connection and reliance on God’s strength during difficult times
Study the Bible togetherDeepens understanding of God’s Word and strengthens faith as a community

Experiencing God’s Strength through Love

Love, a paramount Christian virtue, is a vital conduit to God’s strength. Embracing love towards God, ourselves, and others establishes a profound connection with the divine, enabling God’s strength to thrive in our lives.

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Romans 8:38-39: "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord"

Moreover, love fuels resilience, hope, and compassion, reflecting divine strength. Expressing love, especially in moments of fear or doubt, reminds us of God’s omnipresent and unfailing strength.

1 John 4:16: "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them"

As 1 John 4:16 highlights, living in love directly aligns us with God, thereby inviting His boundless strength into our lives and empowering us to navigate life’s challenges with courage, grace, and resilience.

Understanding Strength through Trials

Trials, despite their difficulty, are opportunities for growth and divine intervention. They serve as catalysts for a closer relationship with God, allowing us to draw from His limitless strength when our own is insufficient.

James 1:2-4: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything"
1 Peter 1:6-7: "In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed"
Romans 5:3-5: "Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us"

The essence of this relationship is beautifully encapsulated in 2 Corinthians 12:10, “For when I am weak, then I am strong.”, enduring trials with God’s strength fosters resilience and a deeper faith in Him, as reflected in James 1:2-4.

Ultimately, trials aren’t just hardships but invaluable experiences that shape us into stronger individuals through a deepened understanding of God’s strength.

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Peaceful closing

This blog post was all about Why Do We Need Strength From God?

In your journey through life, remember that you can always find strength in God. This divine strength surpasses any human capacity, making you resilient in the face of adversity, compassionate in your interactions, and hopeful for the future.

So whether you find this strength through faith, hope, love, prayer, community, or trials, remember that God’s strength is always accessible to you.

So go forth and let the strength of the Holy Spirit guide you on your path, and you will never walk alone.


What are some challenges to finding strength from God?

Some challenges in finding strength from God include wavering faith, insufficient understanding of God’s Word, lack of prayer, non-compliance with God’s commandments, disconnect from the faith community, impatience with divine timing, and an emphasis on self-reliance.

How can we overcome the challenges of finding strength from God?

Overcome these challenges by nurturing your faith, studying religious texts, obeying commandments, connecting with a faith community, being patient with divine timing, and balancing self-reliance with trust in God.

What are some examples of how people have found strength from God?

Individuals find strength in God by trusting Him during challenges, studying and contemplating His Word, praying frequently, obeying His commandments, participating in worship and expressing gratitude, seeking companionship from believers, and accepting His will for their lives.

What are some resources for finding strength from God?

Regular Bible study, persistent prayer, reading Christian blogs and articles, joining a faith community, studying Christian books, and listening to sermons can all deepen understanding and find strength in God.

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