Illuminating Truths: 26 Old Testament Verses on Light

Have you ever thought about how important light is in our everyday lives?

Just like we need light to see where we’re going or to feel safe at night, the Bible also extensively discusses light.

Light is a big theme right from the start in the Book of Genesis.

The Old Testament verses on light are more than about just seeing.

It’s about finding the way when we’re lost, feeling comfortable in the right place, and understanding right and wrong.

In these writings, light often symbolizes God’s presence, wisdom, and guidance toward good paths.

old testament verses on light 1

This post will look at 26 Old Testament verses on light.

We’ll learn how these verses show us who God is, how He connects with His people, and what living in the light of His truth means.

Everyone might see the light in the Bible in their own way.

This is my understanding based on my study of God’s light.

I hope this post helps open our eyes to the bright power of God’s Word, guiding us to the right path.

  • The Bible extensively discusses light, a big theme from the start of the Book of Genesis.
  • Old Testament verses on light are about more than just seeing; they symbolize God’s presence, wisdom, and guidance toward good paths.
  • The post examines 26 Old Testament verses on light to learn how they show who God is, how He connects with His people, and what living in the light of His truth means.
  • The creation of light in Genesis shows God’s supreme power and sets the stage for how light is used as a symbol throughout the Old Testament to represent God’s presence, wisdom, and goodness.

No worries if you’re in a hurry and need the list of Old Testament verses on light!

You can check them out right now or stay with us to learn more about the deep meanings behind each verse.

Here they are for you:

Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 
-Genesis 1:3-4
They did not see one another; nor did anyone rise from his place for three days. But all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings. 
-Exodus 10:23
And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night. 
-Exodus 13:21
When His lamp shone upon my head, And when by His light I walked through darkness. 
-Job 29:3
There are many who say, "Who will show us any good?" Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us. 
-Psalm 4:6
For You will light my lamp; The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness. 
-Psalm 18:28
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? 
-Psalm 27:1
For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light. 
-Psalm 36:9
Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance. 
-Psalm 89:15
Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment, Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain. 
-Psalm 104:2
The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined. 
-Isaiah 9:2
So the Light of Israel will be for a fire, And his Holy One for a flame; It will burn and devour His thorns and his briers in one day. 
-Isaiah 10:17
I, the Lord, have called You in righteousness, And will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people, As a light to the Gentiles. 
-Isaiah 42:6
Listen to Me, My people; And give ear to Me, O My nation: For law will proceed from Me, And I will make My justice rest As a light of the peoples. 
-Isaiah 51:4
Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising. 
-Isaiah 60:1-3
The sun shall no longer be your light by day, Nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you; But the Lord will be to you an everlasting light, And your God your glory. Your sun shall no longer go down, Nor shall your moon withdraw itself; For the Lord will be your everlasting light, And the days of your mourning shall be ended. 
-Isaiah 60:19-20
He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him. 
-Daniel 2:22
Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; When I fall, I will arise; When I sit in darkness, The Lord will be a light to me. 
-Micah 7:8
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 
-Psalm 119:105
The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple. 
-Psalm 119:130
For the commandment is a lamp, and the law a light; reproofs of instruction are the way of life. 
-Proverbs 6:23
The God of Israel said, The Rock of Israel spoke to me: ‘He who rules over men must be just, Ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be like the light of the morning when the sun rises, A morning without clouds, Like the tender grass springing out of the earth, By clear shining after rain.’ 
-2 Samuel 23:3-4
He will redeem his soul from going down to the Pit, And his life shall see the light. 
-Job 33:28
He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday. 
-Psalm 37:6
Oh, send out Your light and Your truth! Let them lead me; Let them bring me to Your holy hill and to Your tabernacle. 
-Psalm 43:3
O house of Jacob, come and let us walk in the light of the Lord. 
-Isaiah 2:5
old testament verses about light

The Bible starts with the story of creation in the book of Genesis. In this story, God created light first. This was very important because:

  1. It separated the universe into day and night
  2. It showed that God has the highest power and authority
  3. It highlighted that light is a symbol that guides us to understand God’s wisdom

When God said, “Let there be light“, it was a very powerful statement. This command brought light into existence.

God separated the light from the darkness and saw that it was good.

The creation of light shows us that God has supreme power. It also sets the stage for how light is used as a symbol throughout the Old Testament to represent God’s presence, wisdom, and goodness.

Verses About God as Light

1. Genesis 1:3-4

Then God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 
-Genesis 1:3-4
  • God’s first command in creation was, “Let there be light.”
  • This action marks the beginning of God organizing the universe.
  • The separation of light from darkness established day and night, setting the rhythm of time.
  • God called the light “good,” showing that light is a positive, life-giving force compared to the earlier darkness.

2. Exodus 10:23

They did not see one another; nor did anyone rise from his place for three days. But all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings. 
-Exodus 10:23
  • God distinguishes between the Egyptians and the Israelites during the ninth plague in Egypt.
  • The Egyptians experienced a darkness so thick they could not move, while the Israelites had light in their homes.
  • This supernatural light represents God’s presence and favor with the Israelites, even during judgment on their oppressors.

3. Exodus 13:21

And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night. 
-Exodus 13:21
  • God guided the Israelites out of Egypt, showing His care through miraculous signs.
  • He provided light and direction with a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night.
  • These pillars were visible signs of God’s presence and leadership.
  • They symbolized His loving guidance, foreshadowing Jesus Christ as the Light of the world.
  • This demonstrated God’s powerful presence among His people.

4. Job 29:3

When His lamp shone upon my head, And when by His light I walked through darkness. 
-Job 29:3
  • Job reminisces about times when he enjoyed God’s blessings and protection.
  • God’s light is described as a lamp shining above Job’s head, guiding him through the darkness.
  • This imagery represents God’s wisdom and guidance, which lightens up the path of life during trials and uncertainties.

5. Psalm 4:6

There are many who say, "Who will show us any good?" Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us. 
-Psalm 4:6
  • David recognizes the human desire for goodness and joy.
  • He seeks God’s blessing by asking for the light of His face to shine upon them.
  • This metaphor of God’s shining face symbolizes His presence, favor, and the joy of a right relationship with Him.

6. Psalm 18:28

For You will light my lamp; The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness. 
-Psalm 18:28
  • Psalm 18:28 attributes the action of lighting and enlightening directly to God.
  • God is portrayed as the source of light, guidance, wisdom, and understanding in the psalmist’s life.
  • In a broader context, David praises God for protection, strength, and deliverance, using light metaphors to highlight His role as a guide and protector.
  • The contrast between a lit candle and the dispelling of darkness emphasizes God as the source of light and truth, clearing ignorance and confusion.

7. Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? 
-Psalm 27:1
  • David declares that the Lord is his light, salvation, and stronghold.
  • He uses metaphors to describe God’s role as the source of guidance, deliverance, and protection.
  • This affirmation dispels fear and assures God’s constant presence and care.

8. Psalm 36:9

For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light. 
-Psalm 36:9
  • David states that God is the source of life, and in His light, we see light.
  • This verse highlights God as the origin and sustainer of all life.
  • It suggests that proper understanding and navigation of the world come through His illumination.
  • God’s light is portrayed as the ultimate source of truth, wisdom, and understanding.

9. Psalm 89:15

Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance. 
-Psalm 89:15
  • Psalm 89:15 links walking in the light of God’s presence with His identity as the light source.
  • It portrays God as providing His people with light, favor, blessing, and guidance.
  • The passage uses light imagery to describe God’s character and relationship with His people, emphasizing His role as a source of joy, guidance, and blessing.
  • The contrast between the joyful sound and walking in God’s light underscores that God Himself is the light His people experience and follow.
  • Commentaries explain that walking in the light of God’s countenance means living under His favor, guidance, and truth, reinforcing God as the ultimate source of light and direction for His people.

10. Psalm 104:2

Who cover Yourself with light as with a garment, Who stretch out the heavens like a curtain. 
-Psalm 104:2
  • David depicts God as clothing Himself with light like a garment.
  • This metaphor emphasizes God’s character’s glory, majesty, and purity.
  • Light, the first and most fundamental element of creation, parallels God’s nature as the foundation of all reality.
  • The imagery of God wrapping Himself in light signifies His sovereign rule over all creation.

11. Isaiah 9:2

The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined. 
-Isaiah 9:2
  • God is described as the source of light that penetrates and overcomes spiritual darkness.
  • The “great light” is often seen as a reference to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
  • This emphasizes the transformative power of God’s light, bringing hope, joy, and salvation to those in spiritual darkness and despair.
  • This concept is part of a larger messianic prophecy, highlighting Christ as the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise to bring light and redemption to His people.

12. Isaiah 10:17

So the Light of Israel will be for a fire, And his Holy One for a flame; It will burn and devour His thorns and his briers in one day. 
-Isaiah 10:17
  • Isaiah 10:17 portrays God, the Light of Israel, as a consuming fire that will burn up His enemies.
  • This emphasizes His holiness, judgment, and power over darkness.

13. Isaiah 42:6

I, the Lord, have called You in righteousness, And will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people, As a light to the Gentiles. 
-Isaiah 42:6
  • God proclaims that He has called His servant, the Messiah, in righteousness and will make him a light for the Gentiles.
  • This highlights that the Messiah, as God’s chosen servant, embodies God’s light and righteousness.
  • The Messiah is tasked with bringing salvation and justice to the world.
  • God’s calling and empowering of the Messiah to be a light shows that the Messiah’s light reflects God’s light and character.

14. Isaiah 51:4

Listen to Me, My people; And give ear to Me, O My nation: For law will proceed from Me, And I will make My justice rest As a light of the peoples. 
-Isaiah 51:4
  • God states that His justice will be a light to the people, and His righteousness will bring salvation.
  • The light in this verse is directly linked with God’s justice and righteousness, attributes integral to Himself.
  • This portrays God’s light as the source of salvation and guidance for all nations.
  • It emphasizes God’s universal reign and authority, highlighting His role as the global provider of justice and salvation.

15. Isaiah 60:1-3

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising. 
-Isaiah 60:1-3
  • In Isaiah 60:1-3, the glory of the Lord rises upon Zion, making her light shine brightly.
  • The light emanating from Zion represents God’s presence and glory.
  • This divine light attracts nations and their kings, underscoring its powerful allure.
  • It emphasizes that the Lord’s glory illuminates Zion, and this light reflects God’s radiance and majesty.

16. Isaiah 60:19-20

The sun shall no longer be your light by day, Nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you; But the Lord will be to you an everlasting light, And your God your glory. Your sun shall no longer go down, Nor shall your moon withdraw itself; For the Lord will be your everlasting light, And the days of your mourning shall be ended.                 
-Isaiah 60:19-20
  • God is the everlasting source of light, glory, and joy, surpassing the sun and moon.
  • This portrayal emphasizes God’s constant presence, guiding and transforming His people.
  • It highlights how God’s light dispels darkness and mourning, offering perpetual illumination and comfort.

17. Daniel 2:22

He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him. 
-Daniel 2:22
  • Daniel praises God for His wisdom and control over all things.
  • He acknowledges that God reveals deep and hidden things and that light dwells with Him.
  • This highlights a contrast between God’s perfect knowledge and human ignorance.
  • The light with God symbolizes His omniscience, showing that nothing is hidden from Him.
  • It also indicates that God is the source of all true revelation and understanding.

18. Micah 7:8

Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; When I fall, I will arise; When I sit in darkness, The Lord will be a light to me. 
-Micah 7:8
  • Micah 7:8 portrays God as light because even when His people fall into sin, darkness, and distress, the Lord will be their light, guiding them out of their troubles and restoring them.

These verses reveal that God is not just a light but the ultimate source of light and truth.

He guides, protects, and enlightens His people with His very presence. God, whose light shines on as a guiding light of hope and righteousness in a world darkened by sin.

Verses About God’s Word as Light

God’s Word guides our lives and is described as a source of light that illuminates our path.

19. Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 
-Psalm 119:105
  • Just like a lamp helps us see and avoid obstacles in the dark, God’s Word gives us the wisdom and direction to navigate life.
  • Regularly studying and thinking about the Bible guides us on the right path and the best choices.
  • We don’t have to wander blindly; God’s truth lights the road ahead.

20. Psalm 119:130

The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple. 
-Psalm 119:130
  • The unfolding of God’s words brings light and understanding.
  • This emphasizes the illuminating power of God’s revelation.
  • Engaging with Scripture helps to clarify life’s meaning, expose truth, and dispel ignorance.
  • Even those considered “simple” or unlearned can gain wisdom and insight through God’s word.

21. Proverbs 6:23

For the commandment is a lamp, and the law a light; reproofs of instruction are the way of life. 
-Proverbs 6:23
  • The term “commandment” in this passage refers to instruction from God or godly parents.
  • This teaching is likened to a lamp that exposes dangers and lights the way.
  • The wisdom in biblical commands is a light, revealing the right path in life.
  • By obeying God’s moral guidelines, we can walk in His light and avoid the pitfalls of sin and folly.

God’s Word illuminates our lives, guiding us through the darkness of sin and confusion, enabling us to see from His perspective and live according to His will.

Verses in the Old Testament about Light

Verses About the People of God as Light

22. 2 Samuel 23:3-4

The God of Israel said, The Rock of Israel spoke to me: ‘He who rules over men must be just, Ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be like the light of the morning when the sun rises, A morning without clouds, Like the tender grass springing out of the earth, By clear shining after rain.’ 
-2 Samuel 23:3-4
  • 2 Samuel 23:3-4 compares a just ruler who leads in the fear of God to the morning light at sunrise.
  • This leadership brings clarity, hope, and nourishment to his people.

23. Job 33:28

He will redeem his soul from going down to the Pit, And his life shall see the light. 
-Job 33:28
  • Job 33:28 describes God redeeming a person from the pit of death and allowing them to see the light of life.
  • This represents salvation and renewed vitality.

24. Psalm 37:6

He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your justice as the noonday. 
-Psalm 37:6
  • Psalm 37:6 declares that God will make the righteousness of His people shine like the light and their justice like the noonday sun.
  • This makes their integrity evident to all.

25. Psalm 43:3

Oh, send out Your light and Your truth! Let them lead me; Let them bring me to Your holy hill and to Your tabernacle. 
-Psalm 43:3

26. Isaiah 2:5

O house of Jacob, come and let us walk in the light of the Lord. 
-Isaiah 2:5
  • Isaiah 2:5 addresses the “house of Jacob,” representing the people of God.
  • It calls them to walk in the light of the Lord, reflecting His truth and righteousness in their lives.

God’s people are called to be a light in the darkness, proclaiming Christ’s excellencies and reflecting His light through good deeds and a godly lifestyle.

As we obey Him and His Word, we ultimately point others to Jesus, the true light.

Throughout the Old Testament, light is a rich and varied symbol pointing to deeper spiritual realities.

Here are a few examples of this metaphor employed:

Light as a symbol of God’s presence (ex, the pillar of fire in Exodus)

  1. In the Exodus, God’s presence with His people is manifested in a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day.

This visible light served as a tangible reminder of God’s guidance, protection, and nearness to His people as they journeyed through the wilderness.

the pillar of cloud and fire in Exodus

2. Other scriptures, such as Psalm 89:15, describe God dwelling in unapproachable light, emphasizing His transcendence, holiness, and glory.

Wherever God is present, darkness must flee because god is light, for light is inherent.

Light as a symbol of truth and righteousness (ex, Ecclesiastes 2:13)

1. In Ecclesiastes 2:13, the Preacher declares, “Then I saw that there is more gain in wisdom than in folly, as there is more gain in light than in darkness.”

Light is associated with wisdom and understanding here, while darkness represents ignorance and foolishness.

2. Similarly, light is often linked with righteousness and moral purity in the Old Testament.

For example, Proverbs 4:18 states, “But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day.”

As God’s people obey Him, they reflect His light and truth to the world.

The contrast between light and darkness as a moral metaphor (ex, Isaiah 5:20)

The Old Testament frequently contrasts light and darkness to illustrate good and evil.

Those who follow God and obey His commands are said to walk in the light, while those who rebel against Him are portrayed as stumbling in darkness.

Isaiah 5 20

1. In Isaiah 5:20, the prophet pronounces a woe on those who “call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.”

This clear contrast emphasizes the moral confusion and perversion of those who reject God’s standards.

Add a little bit of body text

2. Passages like 1 Samuel 2:9 use similar imagery, stating that the wicked will be silenced in darkness while God guards the feet of His faithful ones.

The light of God’s truth exposes and overcomes the darkness of sin and deception.

The Old Testament’s thematic and symbolic uses of light reveal profound truths about God’s character, His relationship with His people, and the moral nature of the universe.

As the Creator and source of all light, truth, wisdom, and righteousness, we are called to walk in His light, reflect it to others, and participate in His redemptive purposes until His return.

This post was about Old Testament verses on light, which reveal that God is the source of all light, truth, and righteousness, guiding and protecting His people through His presence and Word.

As God’s people, we are called to reflect His light on the world around us.

By obeying Him and sharing His truth, we become hopeful, drawing others out of the darkness and into His marvelous light.

As you reflect on these Old Testament verses about light, may you be grateful for the God who is light and desires a relationship with you.

May His Word be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path, guiding you in righteousness and truth.

  1. What does the creation of light signify in the Old Testament?

    In the Old Testament, the creation of light signifies God’s power, sovereignty, and role as the ultimate source of light, physically and spiritually, as He separated light from darkness and established the fundamental dichotomy between good and evil.

  2. How is light used as a metaphor in the Bible?

    In the Bible, light is used as a metaphor for God’s wisdom, guidance, and salvation, symbolizing purity, righteousness, and divine presence. It is a powerful representation of God’s attributes, and the path of righteousness believers are called to follow.

  3. What does the prophecy of the great light in Isaiah 9:1-2 signify?

    The prophecy of the great light in Isaiah 9:1-2 signifies the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who would bring God’s mercy, salvation, and good news to those living in spiritual darkness, both Jews and Gentiles, initiating a new kingdom established on justice and righteousness.

  4. How does the Bible portray the conflict between light and darkness?

    The Bible portrays the conflict between light and darkness as a spiritual battle between good and evil, with God and His holiness shining in the darkness of sin and wickedness, ultimately overcoming it through the person and work of Jesus Christ, the true Light of the world.

  5. What does walking in the light of God’s wisdom mean?

    Walking in the light of God’s wisdom means living in obedience to God’s Word, following Jesus Christ’s example, and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide one’s thoughts, words, and actions. This results in a life that reflects God’s righteousness, love, and truth.

  6. What is Isaiah 9 2?

    The people who walked in darkness Have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined. –Isaiah 9:2

  7. What is Psalms 18 28?

    For You will light my lamp; The Lord my God will enlighten my darkness. –Psalm 18:28

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